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Hallstrom Student Conduct Code


The purpose of this code of conduct is to promote behavior that honors the Lord. As a group of Christian families, our witness to others, both in word and action, is very important. “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” Colossians 3:17

General Conduct
All students will be held responsible for their actions and shall conduct themselves in keeping with their level of maturity, showing regard for established authority and the rights and welfare of others. We ask that students seek excellence, be honest, use clean speech, and be courteous and kind to all. All students in the building are required to attend Chapel at 10:00 a.m. each Tuesday. In Chapel, you will have an opportunity to worship the Lord, hear a Biblical message, pray with fellow students and parents, and hear important announcements. No cell phone use is allowed during Chapel. Although announcements are emailed to every family on Mondays and hard copies of announcements are available on Tuesdays, many important announcements are made and explained in greater detail during Chapel.
If a student has a free period, he/she can go to Fellowship Hall or outside with an adult. Crosspoint Church does not allow students to roam the building.
Any defacing or graffiti on Crosspoint Church property is grounds for immediate dismissal. No skateboarding, longboarding, rollerblading, or snowball throwing allowed on Crosspoint Church property. Any student found with possession of any type of weapon, firearm, tobacco, alcohol, or drugs will be expelled.

Hallstrom’s primary purpose is to provide Christian education and support for one another as home schoolers. It is not to foster dating relationships. For this reason, we have implemented the following policy: Respectful language must be used at Hallstrom and all Hallstrom sponsored events. Inappropriate language or behavior should be brought to the attention of one of the Board members or event chaperones immediately. No pairing off as couples is allowed, and dating-type relationships will not be allowed at Hallstrom or Hallstrom sponsored events.
Flirting, as well as any public display of affection, is not allowed.
We want to encourage all students to develop healthy and godly relationships with one another. Friendships without the pressures of dating will prove to be a valuable part of the teen years.

Dress Code
Dress Code Policy
Students must wear modest and appropriate clothing to Hallstrom. The goal of our dress code is two-fold: clothing that is modest and clothing that does not distract from an academic atmosphere. We do not strive for conformity but rather unity emphasizing flexibility. This is why we have a dress code rather than a non-flexible expensive uniform requirement.
It is the responsibility of each student to follow the dress code. It is the responsibility of each parent to be sure his/her student is in compliance with the dress code every week. Don’t allow your children to put a Board member in the difficult and uncomfortable position of having to make a judgment call about their clothing. If you or they are uncertain about their clothing before coming to Hallstrom, change into something you are certain falls within the dress code. The Board commits to do our diligence in fairly enforcing the dress code. Whether students and parents agree with every part of the dress code, adherence is ultimately a heart issue.

General Dress Code Requirements
The dress code is for all students K-12. K-12 children present in the building with their families but not attending classes also need to follow the dress code.
Parents, please consider these standards or higher for yourselves. We need all parents’ cooperation in setting a high Biblical standard of modesty.

Tops – All Students (Any visible top must follow these requirements.)
Polos and Hallstrom-related t-shirts or sweatshirts
buttoned or zippered sweaters are allowed over Polos or Hallstrom t-shirts
pull-over or zippered sweatshirts are allowed over Polos or Hallstrom t-shirts (with or without hoods) short or long sleeve
one solid color only

Bottoms - Girls
pants, skirts/jumpers, capris (no holes)
khaki or denim material
one solid color only
skirts/jumpers must go to the knee, be loose-fitting and solid colored
Solid color leggings can be worn under knee length skirts/jumpers

Bottoms - Boys
pants, long shorts (no holes)
khaki or denim material
one solid color only
loose-fitting and worn at the waist

P.E. and Dance Classes – All Students
Students may change into loose-fitting, plain or Hallstrom-related t-shirts and modest shorts just before P.E. or dance classes. Students must change back into their dress code clothes immediately after class.

Additional Dress Code Policy – All Students
Clothes must be clean and not torn; no holes or fraying are allowed.
Hair may not include distracting styles.
Dyed hair must not be distracting.
Boys and girls’ hair must be worn so that the eyes are never covered.
Young men’s facial hair must be neatly trimmed.
With the exception of women wearing earrings, the piercing of any body parts is unacceptable. No earrings are allowed for young men; other modest jewelry is acceptable.
Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times
No hats or caps are permitted to be worn inside the Crosspoint building.
Tattoos are not allowed.
Areas of dress not mentioned or defined in the above statements will be left to Board members for interpretation and enforcement.

Dress Code Infractions and Fines – All Students
First infraction
Student will be sent home to change into dress code appropriate clothing.
Student/parent will be cited and given a warning along with a hard copy of the dress code. Subsequent infractions
Student will be sent home to change into dress code appropriate clothing.
Student/parent will be fined $25 per infraction.
Student/parent will be required to submit a written essay regarding Hallstrom’s dress code. Student will not be allowed back to Hallstrom classes until fine is paid and an essay is submitted.


Late or Incomplete Work
When registering for Hallstrom classes, both parents and students agree that all assigned work will be done on time and to the best of the student’s ability. Serious consequences of non-compliance include Academic Probation and dismissal from the co-op. Families should not ask teachers to accept work that is often late or incomplete. Plan ahead; your teachers can help you work ahead if you know you will be away on vacation or busy with another commitment (i.e. theatre production, robotics competition, etc.). The Hallstrom Board and teachers strictly enforce this policy.

Midterm Notices
Midterm reports are issued to families who are behind in teacher payments and to 7 - 12 grade students who are incomplete in their assignments or below 70% in a class. Families are not allowed to register for the next semester until all their teachers are paid in full.

Academic Probation
Students who do not complete their assigned work and/or are earning below a 70% in any class at midterm or at the end of a semester may be placed on academic probation. If work continues to be incomplete and/or the student is not earning above 70% in all classes within a determined time frame, that student may be dismissed from Hallstrom.

Sports Participation Requirement
In order to be eligible to participate in practices or play in a game, a FIRE athlete who is enrolled in an academic class(es) at Hallstrom must be earning 70% or above in all of those classes and have a 75% attendance rate in all Hallstrom classes. Students who have received a citation are not eligible to play in a game until that situation is addressed and corrected.

Citations are issued by Board members for any violation of the Hallstrom Handbook, including violation of codes of conduct or disrespectful or disruptive behavior during a class. When a first citation is issued, the parent and student are notified. If a second citation is issued, a conference is held with the parent, student, and the Board. A third citation is cause for dismissal from Hallstrom. Academic citations are issued for cheating or plagiarism and are treated as a double citation. If a family has received two or more citations in a year, they may be asked to re-interview.

Habitual Misconduct
The purpose of the Board is not to police or babysit your children. Families whose children are habitually not in compliance with the Hallstrom Handbook will be asked to leave Hallstrom permanently.

Other Misconduct
Greater misconduct, occurring at Hallstrom or elsewhere, could result in immediate and permanent dismissal of a student and his/her family from Hallstrom. Other misconduct includes, but is not limited to: use of tobacco products, illegal drugs or alcohol, and posting or sending unacceptable information over the Internet via any social media. The Board reserves the right to dismiss any student or family at any time to maintain high Biblical standards.

Plagiarism Defined
Plagiarism is using another person’s words or unique ideas (intentionally or unintentionally) as your own or without giving credit.

Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional. It can be copying sentences or large passages from the internet or other source without giving credit; it can be using answers to study guide questions word for word from the internet or other students; and it can be buying or stealing entire essays.

Students who plagiarize will receive a zero on the assignment and a referral to the board. A second occurrence will receive a zero in the course for the semester, removal of student from participation in the class for the remainder of the semester, and a referral to the board.

Hallstrom Expectations
Hallstrom students are expected to follow general guidelines for avoiding plagiarism; however, the board expects that students have an even more important reason to avoid plagiarizing. Christians should seek to be above reproach in how they perform their school work. Plagiarism is stealing; it is also lying. Most importantly, God’s Word exhorts Christians: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men” (Colossians 3:23).
When a student plagiarizes, he robs not only another but also himself! He robs himself of the opportunity to learn: Doing one’s own school work strengths one’s mind and spirit. Obviously, students learn more when they do the studying for themselves; however, they also gain strength of character in patience and self-discipline. What a gift that hard work strengthens the spirit!

In an age of easy access to massive amounts of information, students have a wealth of resources and information that they can use to support their own ideas or conclusions! With this resource, however, comes the significant challenge to choose to avoid plagiarizing the ideas of others. The SECRET: Give credit when using the words or ideas of others!

Giving credit can be a complex skill; however, in an academic setting, such as Hallstrom, it is necessary for students to learn to use quotation marks and citations to avoid plagiarism. Hallstrom recommends the text Writer’s INC and the website The Purdue Owl as resources on giving credit. (TIP: Encourage students to take notes onto cards or paper in their own words before sitting down to write. Have them keep track of where notes came from.)

As stated in our Statement of Faith, Hallstrom functions as a Christian community and should demonstrate to members of that community and the outside community the highest level of integrity. Through this document, the Hallstrom staff hopes that students and parents will gain a clear understanding of how students are expected to behave regarding integrity issues. Signing this document also gives parents and students and the Hallstrom community as a whole an opportunity to commit together to uphold these policies.

Test Taking
As a parent, I agree to administer tests at a time when I can observe the student throughout the test. Students may be alone in a separate room if I have ensured that all test-taking aids have been removed and the student does not leave the room during the test. I will not review the test, nor will my student prior to the actual test-taking session. The student will not have access to notes, texts, or other helps during the test unless the test directions stipulate this is acceptable. I will give no help during the test other than clarifying instructions.

As a student, I agree to not preview tests. I agree not to discuss test content with fellow class members until after the class period when all the tests are turned in. I will not use notes, texts, or other helps unless I am instructed to do so by my teacher. During in-class tests, I will not access and use another student’s test answers, nor will I allow another student to access my answers.

Homework Answer Keys
As a parent, I agree to limit my student’s access to the answer keys. Answer keys are to be used by the parents to grade a student’s work. Parents may choose to sit with a student and cooperatively grade a student’s work but no answers shall be changed, and the parent should be present at all times (unless a teacher directs a student to rework incorrect problems, as in some of the math classes.) With the exception of cooperative grading, I agree to prohibit access by my student to answer keys. If required by the teacher, my signature on the homework ensures this policy was followed.

As a student, I agree to turn in only work I have completed without the help of other students unless the teacher specifically allows more than one student to complete an assignment together. I will not: copy answers from another student, exchange or compare answers with another student, or use answer keys to complete or correct my work. I also agree to follow the guidelines issued in regards to plagiarism and cheating. I agree that all papers, reports, charts, and other written work will be properly credited if they are someone else’s work.
As a parent, I agree to sign or initial homework only if it is complete and the work is that of my student. I understand that it is my responsibility to supervise and give the needed level of support to my students each week to ensure their work is done to the best of their ability.